Bobby Jones

  • President
  • Down East Coal Ash Environmental and Social Justice Coalition

Bobby Jones is a part of the Goldsboro Resilience Hub, an organizer of the North Carolina Food System Advocacy Coalition, and a recipient of NCEJN’s Community Resilience Award. He organizes some of the same poison (DDT) laden fields and oppressed communities he worked in when he was growing up. Sadly, things have only gotten worse. Poisoning the air, the water, the ground and our environment is commonplace. Even with the harm of climate change, greenwashing is readily embraced. Please join us, “We’re on a Path of Just Transition Toward a Goal of 100% Renewables.”


  • In the Eye of the Storm: Climate Change in the Carolinas

    The Carolinas are among the most vulnerable regions in the United States to the effects of climate change. From sea-level rise to extreme weather events, the impacts of climate change are already being felt in this region. We talk to experts to understand the effects of climate change and environmental concerns across the two states, […]
